After completing this course, the student will feel confident that they have thoroughly reviewed all of the objectives that CompTIA has established for the exam. This course is organized around the actual structure of the A+ exam administered at Pearson VUE testing centers. We’ve followed their list carefully, so the student can be assured not to miss anything.

The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) created the A+ certification to provide technicians with an industry recognized and valued credential. Due to its acceptance as an industry-wide credential, it offers technicians an edge in a highly competitive computer job market. Additionally, it lets others know the student’s achievement level and their ability to do the job right. Prospective employers may use the A+ certification to validate employment, or as a means of a bonus or job promotion.

Earning an A+ certification means that the student has the in-depth knowledge and technical skills necessary to be a successful computer service technician. Computer experts in the industry establish the standards of certification. Although the A+ certification test covers a broad range of computer software and hardware, it is not vendor-specific.

To become A+ certified the student must pass two examinations: the Core Hardware exam and an OS Technologies exam. The Core exam measures essential competencies for a break/fix microcomputer hardware service technician with six months of experience. The exam covers basic knowledge of desktop and portable systems, basic networking concepts, and printers. Also included on the exam is safety and common preventive maintenance procedures.